初中英語課,英文會話練習。A: Hello! My name is Li Lei, what"s your name?B: I"m Hanmei, how are you?A: Fine, thank you, and you?B: I"m fine too. Are you Chinese?A: yes!B: 哎呀我去,原來是老鄉啊。那還扯什麼犢子英語。昨晚上阿拉蕾演啥沒看上?A: 不拉不拉...
10年後,加拿大多倫多機場。我:那個... excuse me, 那個 where is the money exchange place?乘客:那個啥呀那個,左拐直行。我長得又不像老外。我:...
又過了5年,加拿大魁省法語區。某購物中心中國飯店(招牌上寫著呢)。我:老闆麻煩你我要英文選單,不懂法語。老闆: xhjftuvdecbog我:老闆你說啥?老闆: gjoufchkhfrth我:...Can you speak Chinese?老闆:Cantonese only.我:OK I need English menu, no French please.
初中英語課,英文會話練習。A: Hello! My name is Li Lei, what"s your name?B: I"m Hanmei, how are you?A: Fine, thank you, and you?B: I"m fine too. Are you Chinese?A: yes!B: 哎呀我去,原來是老鄉啊。那還扯什麼犢子英語。昨晚上阿拉蕾演啥沒看上?A: 不拉不拉...
10年後,加拿大多倫多機場。我:那個... excuse me, 那個 where is the money exchange place?乘客:那個啥呀那個,左拐直行。我長得又不像老外。我:...
又過了5年,加拿大魁省法語區。某購物中心中國飯店(招牌上寫著呢)。我:老闆麻煩你我要英文選單,不懂法語。老闆: xhjftuvdecbog我:老闆你說啥?老闆: gjoufchkhfrth我:...Can you speak Chinese?老闆:Cantonese only.我:OK I need English menu, no French please.