  • 1 # ikiek3712

    歌曲名稱:You are, you will歌曲原唱:蘇打綠作詞:青峰作曲:青峰出自專輯:《小宇宙》 發行日期:2006年10月20日歌詞:覺得暈眩覺得厭倦小心提煉綻放在心中點覺得很炫覺得很玄不想再添感情偶發事件I want I want to go to where you areyou are waiting forI want I want to go to where you arecoming telling me you willyou will always right here stay with me覺得暈眩覺得厭倦小心提煉綻放在心中點覺得很炫覺得很玄不想再添感情偶發事件I want I want to go to where you areyou are waiting forI want I want to go to where you arecoming telling me you willyou will always right here stay with meI want I want to go to where you areyou are waiting forI want I want to go to where you arecoming telling me you willyou will always right here stay with meI want I want to go to where you areyou are waiting forI want I want to go to where you arecoming telling me you willyou will always right here stay with meda la da da

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 洗滌硫的方法?