  • 1 # 霞哥095

    最熟悉的應該是get up 起床,get to sleep睡覺等,另外還有:

    1. Get married 結婚   2. Get angry 生氣 3. Get a life! 做點有意義的事!振作起來!   4. Get a promotion 得到提升   5. Get lost 迷路,迷惑   6. Get the sack 被解僱   7. Get ready準備好   8. Get together 一起   9. Get excited 興奮起來   10. Get in touch 保持聯絡   11. Get arrested 被拘捕   12. Get the train 趕上火車,坐上火車   13. Get a move on趕快   14. Get going開始,出發,著手   15. Get to know someone認識某人   16. Get it?明白了嗎?   17. Get the door應門   18. Get along with 與……相處   19. Get by 透過,過得去   20. Get into something 沉迷於

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