  • 1 # Abnnjhg

    Reading is a good habitI am reading a good article in Reader"s Digest.我在讀《讀者文摘》中的一篇好文章。It is Benefits of Reading. 文章叫《讀書的好處》We can get smart, healthy and happy.我們可以變得聰明、健康和快樂。A lot of reading can protect the brain from Alzheimer"s disease.大量的閱讀可以保護大腦免受阿爾茨海默病(的困擾)。Reading a page-turner or simply scanning a manufacture instruction of coffee maker can reduce our stress.閱讀一本引人入勝的書或簡單地瀏覽一份咖啡機的生產說明書就能減輕我們的壓力。And reading some books how someone overcame obstacles and achieved success encourage us to meet our goal.而且閱讀一些如何克服障礙取得成功的書能激勵我們達到我們的人生目標。We can experience different kinds of life in stories with authors. 我們可以和作者一起去經歷故事中的各種各樣的人生。Rich experience strengthens our ability to understand other"s feelings.豐富的經歷會加強我們對別人的情感的理解能力。Reading is a good habit because we can benefit a lot from it.閱讀是個好習慣,因為我們可以從中受益良多。

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