  • 1 # 使用者8660408858937

    POS讀音:音標[pi: əu es] 音譯(剖斯)釋義:abbr. 銷售點(point-of-sale)n. (Pos)人名;(西、捷、荷)波斯雙語例句:The POS client notifies him that his receipt will be printed at printer 3. POS 客戶端通知他,表明他的收據將在第3臺印表機上列印。His POS client automatically requests one of them and passes the transactioninformation to the printer. 他的 POS 客戶端自動請求其中一臺印表機,並將交易資訊傳遞到該印表機。While the new POS application goes through final testing, a copy of all messagesneeds to be captured to verify that all messages sent to the new application arecorrectly processed. 對新的 POS 應用程式進行最後測試時,需要捕獲所有訊息的副本,以驗證傳送到應用程式的所有訊息都得到了正確的處理。

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