  • 1 # 老唐槓桿數學





    Hemingway is a famous American writer.

    There is a clock in the classroom.

    Teddy and Susie are good friends.

    I can take care of myself.

    She has a little sister.

    Miss Liu teaches us English.


    Hemingway isn"t a famous American writer.

    There isn"t a clock in the classroom.

    Teddy and Susie aren"t good friends.

    I can"t take care of myself.

    She does"t have a little sister.

    Miss Liu doesn"t teach us English.





    Is Hemingway a famous American writer?

    Is there a clock in the classroom?

    Are Teddy and Susie good friends?

    Can you take care of yourself?

    Does she have a little sister?

    Does Miss Liu teach us English?


    特殊疑問句通常以who, whose, what, which, when, why, how等疑問詞開頭,因此又叫wh-問句。

    Who is singing in the room?

    Whose bike is broken?

    What does she like?

    Which season do you like best?

    When did they leave?

    Why do you arrive so late?

    How did you go there? By bus or by train?

    How many students are there in your class?

    How much water is there in the bottle?

    How much is this pair of glasses?

    How often do you visit your grandparents?

    How long does it take from SZ to your hometown?

    How far is it from SZ to your hometown?


    Which do you like better, tea or coffee?

    Shall I give you a hand, or you can manage?

    Would you rather wait or come later?


    That clock is slow, isn"t it?

    The clock isn"t slow, is it?

    Carry this parcel for me, will you?

    Remember to buy some meat, won"t you?

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