  • 1 # 白姐愛生活

    1Are there ten desks in the classroom?2Are there two watches on the desk?

    3Are there three beds in their room?

    4Are there two shops at the corner?

    5Are there going to be two concerts tomorrow ?

    6Are there many apples in the basket?

    7 Are there many pens on the floor?

    8 Are there two cups on the desk?

    9Are there ten books in your backpack?10Are there many books on the shelf?

  • 2 # 使用者6184530537959

    1AreThere five books in my bag?

    2.AreThere any cakes in the case?

    3.AreThere two girs and a boy in the playground?

    4.AreThere your parents in this photo?

    5.AreThere several fruits in the plate?

    6.Are there any books on your desk?

    7.Are there two rules in the box?

    8.Are there anybird son the wall?

    9.Are there any pen son the table?

    10.Are there any pears on the table?

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 如何去影響使用者的決策,達到你的營銷效果?