  • 1 # 檸小檬1234

    look around:


    Do you want to have a look around/round town this afternoon?今天下午你想去城裡看看嗎?

    look into :


    The police are looking into the matter.警察正在調查此事

    look down upon/on:


    I hate the way that our boss looks down on us; she treats us as if we are less important than her.我討厭老闆看不起我們的樣子;她把我們當作不如她重要。

    look through:

    瀏覽look through sthHe held up the crystal and looked through it at the sun"s reflections .他拿起了晶體,透過它來觀察反射來的Sunny。

    look ahead:

    計劃未來, 預測未來Look ahead in the distance, you can just see the lights of the village.你若向前方遠處看,你就能看見村裡的燈光。

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