  • 1 # 娛樂八卦集結地

    either相當於名詞是“兩者之中的任何一個”,在句中作主、賓,表單數,作主語時謂語動詞用單數.eg. Either of the plans is equally dangerous.neither的用法與either相同,意思相反,“兩者之中,那個也不” Neither of them was any good.both後跟of 短語時,後面常是複數名詞或複數代詞,接複數名詞of可以省略,接複數代詞不能省略.

    1.Both (of) the films were very good.

    2.She invited both of us to the party.all 是作為名詞時常與of連用,但在英國英語中一般不用of.all of其實與all的意思是一樣的.eg.1.All of the boys want to become football players. 2.All of these books are expensive.後面可跟不可數名詞表示單數:All of the bread was stale.但只有all of 之後才可跟人稱代詞賓格:All of us were disappointed by him.none (1) 後面跟of的話一般是用復形可數名詞或不可數名詞.eg.1. None of his friends has ever been to Paris. 2.None of the money was ever recovered.(2)用作主語、賓語、表語、同位語等.eg.1.None of them spoke English expect Tallit.這裡的none用作主語 2.That"s none of your business!作的表語

    3.We none of us said anything.同位語

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