  • 1 # 闌珊fff

    在定語從句中,that 和 those 的區別僅限於用作指示代詞的單複數。

    在定語從句中,that 的語法功能有兩種,一是用作關係代詞引導限定性定語從句,二是在從句中用作單數指示代詞。例:

    Jack lives in an old house that looks quite different than that down the street. (第一個 that 是定語從句關係代詞,引導整個定語從句。第二個 that 是表達單數的指示代詞,指代鄰居的 house。)

    those 僅用作複數指示代詞,不能作為關係代詞引導從句。用在定語從句中,those 可用來指代前面提到過的某事或某人同類的複數。例:

    Jack lives in an old house that looks quite different than those in the neighborhood. (those 在從句裡用作表達複數的指示代詞,指代整個鄰里的 houses。)

    Jack is invited to a party that is specially held for those with honors degrees. (those 在從句裡指代學生。honors degrees:桂冠學位——含表彰學業優異的學位)

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