  • 1 # dopdl4805

    You are welcome的意思是:不客氣,不用謝,別客氣,不用客氣。英 [ju: ɑ: ˈwelkəm]美 [ju e(r) ˈwɛlkəm]適用語境:禮貌用語,常用於回答別人的謝意。雙語例句1、And you are welcome anytime.隨時歡迎您的光臨。2、I would be happy to be part of your support system. You are welcome to contact me if you want to share anything regarding the issues of being single.我很樂意做你的後援系統中的一員,如果你願意和我分享有關光棍兒問題的任何想法,歡迎和我聯絡同義詞組:Don"t mention it例句1、Don"t mention it. That is our job.不必客氣,那是我們的職責。2、Don"t mention it. See you tomorrow.別客氣。明天見。3、Don"t mention it. Please be sure you don"t leave anything in the car anymore.不必客氣。請不要再把東西遺忘在車上了。

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