  • 1 # fjliudong

    dusk前面常 與 at, after, by toward,util等介詞搭配,通常不用冠詞。例如

    ▲after dusk

    It’ll cool down this evening, after dusk. 今天今晚,夜幕降臨之後,天氣會涼快下來。

    ▲at dusk

    At dusk the lights of the city come on. 黃昏時分城裡的燈都亮了。

    Only a few stars shine at dusk. 黃昏時分只有幾顆星星閃爍。

    The park is close to the public at dusk. 公園每天黃昏時刻停止開放。

    ▲before dusk

    It seems probable that he will arrive before dusk. 他似乎有可能黃昏前到達。

    We climbed a further thousand feet before dusk. 我們在夜幕降臨之前又爬了1000英尺。

    ▲by dusk

    By dusk the news had spread through the city. 到黃昏時訊息已傳遍全城。

    The town"s streets were deserted by dusk. 夜幕降臨時鎮子的街上便空無一人了。

    By dusk we were dog-tired and heading for home. 到了傍晚我們累趴下了,於是回家。

    ▲towards dusk

    Towards dusk, a relay of fireman arrived at the scene. 接近黃昏時,接班的消防人員到達了現場。

    Towards dusk, we found a cave at the side of the mountain. 接近黃昏時,我們在山坡上發現一個山洞。

    ▲until dusk

    I stayed with her until dusk. 我一直陪她到黃昏。

    They waited at the ferry for the boat until dusk. 他們在渡口等船一直等到黃昏。

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