  • 1 # rrepn37027

    looking forward to的意思是期待,盼望。英式發音為[ˈlukiŋ ˈfɔ:wəd tu:]。美式發音為 [ˈlʊkɪŋ ˈfɔrwəd tu] 。 其用法如下:

    1、I was looking forward to a jolly party 我期待著有一個令人愉快的聚會。

    2、I am looking forward to a long and successful partnership with him 我期盼著能與他建立長期而有成效的合作關係。

    3、I am also looking forward to getting more acquainted with immigration law. 我也期待能對移民法有更多的瞭解。

    4、The day we have been looking forward to has come at long last. 這個日子好不容易盼到了。

    5、He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister. 他期待著與新首相共事。

    6、They are looking forward to her coming. 他們期待她的來訪。

    7、She was in a buoyant mood and they were looking forward to their new life 她心情愉快,他們正在憧憬未來的新生活。

    8、I"m looking forward to hearing from you soon. 望早日回信。

    9、Motor traders are looking forward to a further increase in vehicle sales. 汽車經銷商預期汽車銷量會進一步攀升。

    10、I"m looking forward to meeting you again in xi"an. 期待著在西安再一次和你相會。

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  • 心隨我願的古詩?