  • 1 # Tiekt鐵鐵

    1.然而,他短暫的一生卻在石灣陶瓷藝術歷史上,寫-下了光輝的篇章。However, hisshortlife but in the Shiwan ceramic art history, written - under a glorious chapter.

    2.這種感應不僅僅只保留在藝術陶瓷的本身,而應全方位、多角度把陶瓷藝術置身於各種藝術環境整體之中。This reaction cannot exist only in the studio pottery itself, but also should place ceramic arts in thewhole of various artistic environment.

    3.本文結合陶藝教育需求及陶瓷藝術瓷燒成特點,對高溫燃氣梭式窯爐的燒成操作以及窯爐日常管理維護作了較為系統的闡述。The feature of ceramiceducationandceramicart is exquisitely combined in this article to introduce themanipulation of high-temperature shuttle kiln and the way to maintain the kiln. dict.cnki.net

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