  • 1 # 你永遠追不上的巨人

    我最喜歡吃橙子了,今天媽媽又給我買了橙子, 我仔細地端詳著它,那果皮的顏色似Sunny,如彩虹,給生活平添了幾分美感。輕輕地揭開皮,就可以看見橙色的果肉,白色的籽兒,就像玉盤裡放著潔白無暇的鑽石, 我聞了又聞,那香味撲來,忍不住狠狠地咬了一口,這味道,真的會讓人陶醉。我不由自主地大喊了一聲:“太好吃了!” 這麼好的橙子我無法忘記 I most like to eat oranges, today my mother bought me an orange, I looked at it, the skin color like the sun, such as the rainbow, to add to thebeauty of life. Gently opened the skin, you can see the orange flesh, whiteseeds, like a jade plate placed in the pure white diamond, I smell another smell, that smell is coming, can not help a nasty bite, the taste, really make people intoxicated. I can"t help to shout: "delicious!" I can"t forget such a good orange

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