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      believe to be doing  相信在做 ···  例句:  

    1.Some families believe that everyone in the family should pitch in on housework,and that kids shouldn"t have to be compensated for doing so.  一些家庭相信,家中的每個成員都需要做一些家務,因此孩子就不需要因為做家務而給與報酬。  

    2.Doing what you believe to be right, even if others mock or criticize you for it.  即使別人嘲笑或批評,也要做自己認為對的事情  

    3.Maybe you do not believe what I said. No problem! Just try to do it, and thenkeeping do it, finally, you will be interesting in doing it.  或許你不相信我說的,但是,沒關係,只需要先嚐試去做,然後再堅持做下去,最後你會發現,你對此非常感興趣。

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