  • 1 # 聲聲啊(限流中)

    例:① He walks as if he was drunk.

    ② He walked as if he had been drunk.

    仿(⒈ He/talk/know everything)

    (⒉ He/treat me /I be a child)

    (⒊ He /look at me /we /never/meet before)

    (⒋ He /turn round / he / not see me)


    例:① It looks as jf it"s going to rain.

    ② His thought sounds as jf it"s not practical.

    仿(⒈ look/he/be/older than you)

    (⒉ sound /someone /knock at the door)

    (⒊ we fell/there /be/something worng with the plan)

    (⒋ taste /the soup /be/a little salty)

    (⒌ smell/mother /cook dinner)

    Ⅲ.as if/as though + 三種非謂語動詞

    例:① He opened his mouth as if to say something.

    仿(⒈ stand up/ leave)

    (⒉ wave his hand /say goodbye to us)

    ② He lay on the ground as if sleeping.

    仿(⒈ look out of window /wait for someone)

    (⒉ sit there /think)

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 《復聯3》中,雷神用斧頭插進了滅霸胸口,滅霸用時間寶石不是還可以讓時光倒流嗎?