  • 1 # 萌懵懂184744025


    1. 跟...一樣地,同樣地 例如:I"m as tall as him 我和他一樣高。

    2. 如同;例如 例如:There are lots of famous buildings as the Eiffel Tower and the Arch of Triumph. 這裡有許多著名建築如埃菲爾鐵塔和凱旋門。


    1. 作為,以...的身份 例如:He works as a tour guide. 他作為導遊工作。

    2. 當作 例如:She is a famous person as a actress. 作為一個女演員,她很出名

    3. 像;如同 例如:The old woman was dressed as a young lady. 這位老婦人打扮得像一位年輕人。


    1. 像...一樣;依照;像 例如:You ought to do as Paul tells you. 你應按照保羅吩咐的做。

    2. 當...時 例如:As she was leaving the room she remembered that book. 她離開房間時想起了那本書。

    3. 隨著 例如:As the sun rose the fog dispersed. 太陽一出來,霧隨之消失。

    4. 因為 例如:We didn"t know what to do as we were just visiting there. 我們不知道該怎麼辦,因為當時我們僅僅在那裡作訪問。

    5. 雖然 例如:Tired as he was, he stayed up late. 他雖然疲倦,可仍然很晚才睡。

    6.儘管 例如:Try as she might,Sue couldn"t get the door open.儘管想盡一切辦法,蘇還是不能開啟那扇門


    1. (與such,the same,as等連用,引導關係從句)與...相同的事物(或人) 例如:He has

    earned as much money as I have. 他賺的錢和我賺的一樣多。

    2. (引導從句,對前述內容作補充)本情況,該事實 例如:She has married again, as was

    expected. 她已再婚,這是意料中的事。


    1. =Anglo-Saxon 盎格魯-撒克遜人;盎格魯-撒克遜語;盎格魯-撒克遜人的;盎格魯-撒克遜語的

    2. =antisubmarine 反潛艇的

    3. =Asia 亞洲;亞細亞

    4. =Asian 亞洲的;亞洲人;亞洲人的

    六,字首:=ad 用於s前

  • 2 # 圖靈是什麼機


    1. 跟...一樣地,同樣地 例如:I"m as tall as him 我和他一樣高。

    2. 如同;例如 例如:There are lots of famous buildings as the Eiffel Tower and the Arch of Triumph. 這裡有許多著名建築如埃菲爾鐵塔和凱旋門。


    1. 作為,以...的身份 例如:He works as a tour guide. 他作為導遊工作。

    2. 當作 例如:She is a famous person as a actress. 作為一個女演員,她很出名

    3. 像;如同 例如:The old woman was dressed as a young lady. 這位老婦人打扮得像一位年輕人。

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  • 30歲了,現在學會計晚嗎?