是不是這個:Battery recalibration required to optimize charge capacity.the battery recalibration process takes 3-5 hours to complete. this is best done ata time when do not plan on using your notebook. please verify that the AC adapter is connted before starting the recalibration process. press F1 to continue or ESC to cancel
是不是這個:Battery recalibration required to optimize charge capacity.the battery recalibration process takes 3-5 hours to complete. this is best done ata time when do not plan on using your notebook. please verify that the AC adapter is connted before starting the recalibration process. press F1 to continue or ESC to cancel
二:剛開始開機時按DEL進入BIOS,按回車鍵進入第一項,看看裡面的“Drive A”項是不是“None”,不是的話按“Pgup”或 “PgDn”進行修改,修改後按“ESC”退出,選“Save & Exit Setup”項按回車退出BIOS,重啟,再不行的話就換了電池再按上面的步驟重新設定既可。