  • 1 # 使用者9186333210396

    I will go to school tomorrow ---- I will not go to school tomorrow,

    He will buy a book -------He won"t buy a book

    She is going to watch TV-----She is not going to watch TV(這種也是一般將來時)

    It will be rainy ------ It won"t be rainy

    You are going to read a book ---- You aren"t going to read a book

    The keys will be taken away--------The keys won"t be taken away

    I shall have lunch later------I shall not have lunch

    I shall play football-------I shan"t play football (shall not縮寫shan"t 當主語是我時可以will或shall

    It is going to rain-----It isn"t going to rain

    I"ll be a teacher-----I won"t be a teacher

    He will get married. 他就快結婚了

    She will have a daughter.她就會有個女兒了

    The cat will have a master.貓要有主人了

    The pig will have a house. 豬就要有窩了

    Telephone me this evening. I‘ll be at home. 今晚給我打電話,我會在家。

    I"ll(shall/will)do a better job next time. 下次我要幹得更好

    The car won’t start.車開不了啦。

    Oil and water will not mix. 油和水沒法混在一起。

    I"m leaving tomorrow. 明天我就要走了.

    He is coming back this Sunday.這個星期他就回來了.

    I will go to the zoo. 我要去動物園。

    She will write a letter. 她會寫一封信。

    Will he open the window? 他會開啟窗戶嗎?

    He won"t go swimming. 他不會游泳。

    I"m going to tidy my room when I get back school.當我從學校回來時我去整理我的房間。

    She is going to have a party.

    She will go shopping after lunch.

    I am going to by car.He is going to drink some lemonade.they are going to help mother.they are going to go to the cinema.

    i"m going to help you he won"t do that will you give me a hand please the question will be answered by me you will understand the question.

    I will go there. I will not go there. Will you go there? It will be taken there. It will go there.

    反正將來時就是 主語+will(我可以用shall)+動詞原型 否定在will後面+not

    另外 主語+be going to+動詞原形也是 否定在be後面否定

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