  • 1 # 使用者1844319796352

    in good condition 情況良好in good shape 精神或身體狀態好

    In Very Good Condition 在非常良好狀態 ; 在非常好條件

    generally in a good condition 總體情況良好

    economy is in a good condition 經濟狀況良好

    1.But we can start the Champions League, at an important part of the season, ingood condition.


    2.In general, exhibits are in good condition, although almost all of them need smallrepairs and the painting.


    3.On the surface the application looks to be of high quality and in good condition,but these problems are hidden underneath.


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  • 求助!營養早餐搭配什麼飲品才能保證孩子營養均衡?