  • 1 # Abnnjhg


    1、Best wishes and congratulations on your graduation.  祝賀你畢業,並致以良好的祝願。  

    2、Blessings to you! May all the best things be around you forever!  祝福你!願世間最美的事物永遠陪伴在你的左右!  

    3、May you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures.  願你在不平凡的人生事業中健康、幸福、功績卓著。  

    4、It is your graduation day.Please accept my best wishes for your bright future.  在你畢業之時,請接受我最美好的祝福,祝你前程似錦。  

    5、Congratulations, graduate.May all your dreams and plans turn to fulfillment and success.  祝賀你,畢業生。願你夢想成真,萬事如意。  

    6、Do not weep at missing a shooting star,as the sun still rises radiantly tomorrow.  當你錯過流星時,請不要流淚,明天,還會有燦爛的太陽昇起。  

    7、Let our life be brimming with smile! The sweet smile predicts our brilliant future.  讓我們的生活充滿微笑吧!這甜蜜的微笑,將預言著我們無限美好的未來。  

    8、Let us embrace life,create life, seize today and wake up tomorrow with all fervor.  擁抱生活,創造生活,把握住每一個今天,讓我們用全部的熱忱,去喚醒明天。  

    9、My best wishes for your success in the examination and look forward to hearing in due course that you have passed.  預祝你考試順利,並盼望屆時聽到考試透過的訊息。  

    10、May our golden youth radiate indelible light Grasp today! Wish you success in the College Entrance Examination!  讓我們黃金般的青春,放射出不可磨滅的光彩。把握現在吧!祝你高考成功!  

    11、Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examinationI beg you to take this little gift as a souvenir.  恭賀高考旗開得勝,奉上這份小禮物以作紀念。

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