  • 1 # 青青河邊草悠悠織女心

    這個句子可以翻譯為:What is the meaning?或者翻譯為,What does the sentence mean?

  • 2 # 雪夢791


    什麼意思 What"s that ; what it means ; What does it mean

    你什麼意思 What do you mean ; What ; what you mean ;


    中文是什麼意思: What kind of transport witches ordinarly uses ; funk goods ; i"ll never stop loving you ; crude rapeseed

    不明白什麼意思: Does not understand any meaning ; Cant understand what meaning ; Not understand the meaning

    是什麼意思哦 :saber servant gae bolg lancer

    中國是什麼意思 :What does China mean ; What is China ; What is the meaning China

    這句什麼意思 :What does this sentence mean ; What does it mean sentence ?

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  • 《權遊》、《黑鏡》、《破冰行動》等,神劇為何相繼撲街?