  • 1 # 你永遠追不上的巨人

    a shoulder to cry on [口]能提供慰藉的人; 所祈求的同情be up to one"s shoulders 深深地陷著, 工作忙得不可開交clap [tap] sb. upon the shoulder 拍人的肩膀; 逮捕cold shoulder 冷遇, 白眼come from the shoulder [美]直截了當come to the shoulder 掮槍cry on sb."s shoulder 向某人傾訴以求同情get the cold shoulder 受到冷遇, 討個沒趣give [show, turn] the cold shoulder to 冷落某人, 不理睬某人, 同某人斷絕來往have a head upon one"s shoulders [口]懂事, 懂道理have broad shoulder 能挑重擔 能接受非難, 氣量大have sth. on one"s shoulders 承擔著(責任等)lay the blame on the right shoulders 責備得當look over one"s shoulder 小心提防over the shoulder 譏諷, 挖苦over the left shoulder [俚]恰恰相反overleap one"s shoulders [美]做得過頭;超越自己的能力put on sb."s shoulders (=put on the shoulders of sb., shift on to other shoulders) 把責任推給別人put an old head on young shoulders 叫年輕人懂事, 使年輕人認真負責put [set] one"s shoulder to the wheel 積極工作, 勤奮工作; 幫助人rub shoulders with 和...接觸; 並肩; 協力shift sth. from one"sshoulder 推卸某事square one"s shoulders 挺胸(以示輕蔑)stand head and shoulder above sb. 遠勝於某人straight from the shoulder 直截了當的[地], 全力以赴的[地]take sth. on one"s own shoulders 自己承擔(責任)turn a cold shoulder upon [to] sb. 冷落某人, 不理睬某人with one"s shoulder to collar 緊張地幹, 拼命地(工作)shoulder to shoulder 肩並肩地, 同心協力地http://dict.iciba.com/shoulder/

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 紅的似火白的如雪原文?