  • 1 # 使用者9416381105893

    Lay, lady, lay 躺下 女孩 躺下

    Lay, lady, lay 躺下 女孩 躺下

    lay across my big brass bed 橫躺在我的黃銅大床上(確實是這樣的= =|||)

    Lay, lady, lay 躺下 女孩 躺下

    lay across my big brass bed 橫躺在我的黃銅大床上

    Whatever colors you have in your mind 不論你心中是什麼顏色(也可以意譯成“不管你想的是什麼”)

    I"ll show them to you and you"ll see them shine 我會向你展示它們並且你將看見它們閃耀

    Lay, lady, lay 躺下 女孩 躺下

    lay across my big brass bed 橫躺在我的黃銅大床上

    Stay, lady, stay 留下來 女孩 留下來

    stay with your man awhile 和你的男人待一會兒

    Until the break of day, let me see you make him smile 直到破曉的來臨 讓我看看你使他微笑

    His clothes are dirty but his hands are clean 他的衣服很髒但他的手是乾淨的

    And you"re the best thing that he"s ever seen 你是他見過最好的事物

    Stay, lady, stay 留下來 女孩 留下來

    stay with your man awhile 和你的男人待一會兒

    Why wait any longer for the world to begin 為什麼還在等待世界的重生?

    You can have your cake and eat it too 你可以魚和熊掌兼得(you can"t have your cake ,and eat it是“魚和熊掌不可兼得”的意思)

    Why wait any longer for the one you love為什麼還在等待你愛的那個人?

    When he"s standing in front of you 當他站在你面前時

    Lay, lady, lay 躺下 女孩 躺下

    lay across my big brass bed 橫躺在我的黃銅大床上

    Stay, lady, stay 留下來 女孩 留下來

    stay while the night is still ahead 留下來當夜晚還沒結束

    I long to see you in the morning light 我渴望看見你在月光下

    I long to reach for you in the night 我渴望在夜晚觸控你

    Stay, lady, stay 留下來 女孩 留下來

    stay while the night is still ahead 留下來當夜晚還沒結束

    Stay, lady, stay 留下來 女孩 留下來

    stay while the night is still ahead 留下來當夜晚還沒結束

    stay while the night is still ahead 留下來當夜晚還沒結束

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