  • 1 # 雪落夢無涯

    Roman Roland

    was a French thinker and writer,is also a humanitarian.Roman Roland besides enjoys immortal status in the literary world,and is the most serious one expert research Beethoven,published by "Beethoven biography" as the "John christophe" is the classic of classics of world literature.Celebrity biography is an attractive biography,author devoted all his passion,

    successfully make readers contact with three great masters in his biography,

    share their pain,failure; Also share their sincere and success.

    "Celebrity biography" is the most prominent place,more lateral to the performance of juicy gossip in the physical and mental suffering hardships,they unremitting struggle,for the suffering of infinite passion and broke out in the struggle of life.Throughout the three pass,Roland:the fate of the heroes have a common schema and direction long ordeal,the vitality of current general,reflect the will of life the pursuit of artistic creation and in pain for pleasure.

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