  • 1 # 姐的優秀你們不懂

    v.(動詞)seat.ed,seat.ing,seatsv.tr.(及物動詞)To place in or on a seat.使就座:把…放在座位上To cause or assist to sit down:使坐下:使或幫助…坐下:The ushers will seat the members of the bride"s family.引座員會引導新娘的家人就座To provide with a particular seat:給安排座位:提供一個特別的座位:The usher seated me in the back row.引座員給我提供後排的一個座位To have or provide seats for:供給…座位:擁有或為…提供座位:We can seat 300 in the auditorium.我們這個禮堂可容納三百人To install in a position of authority or eminence.使就位:使…登上權力或顯赫的位置To fix firmly in place:使…固定在位置上:seat an ammunition clip in an automatic rifle.把子彈夾裝在自動來福槍上v.intr.(不及物動詞)To rest on or fit into another part:裝在…上:放在或裝在另一部分上:The O-rings had not seated correctly in their grooves.這O形圈無法裝入他們的車轍內

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