  • 1 # 垂直的小溪

    Trees Are Our Friends.

    We human bebings should feel thankful to trees,because they are such precious and loyal fiends to us.

    First and most important, together with sunshine,leaves in trees recycle carbon dioxide and create oxygen,which are fundamental for us to survive. They are so generous to provide air for all lives.

    Secondly,trees play a significant role to keep ecological balance. Trees keep air fresh, provide birds with homes and do great help to reduce water loss or soil erosion. The whole world live in a globle village now,and trees are such incredible family members.

    Finally,trees inspire artists and poets in their works, provide incomes for merchants, and even get burned to serve poeple for cooking. Trees are almost benificial to every one.

    Without human beings, trees could be boundless and flourish forests. However,without trees,human beings could hardly exist. Therefore,let"s love trees and cherish them.

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