  • 1 # fltop44601

    1)常見片語是【whether you believe it or not】或者是【believe it or not】。

    2)【whether you believe or not】意思是【不管你是否相信】雙語例句權威Whether you believe it or not, I passed the exam.不管你信不信, 反正我通過了考試。It makes no difference whether you believe me or not.你信不信我區別不大/都無所謂。Whether you believe it or not, It"s true.無論你是否相信, 這都是真的。It is your own concern whether you believe me or not.信不信是你自己的事。

    3)【believe or not】意思是【信不信由你】。It is the believe or not believe, as we are now, or to the end.現在是該相信還是不相信, 現在我們是結束還是繼續。That"s normal, believe it or not.那很正常,信不信由你。Believe it or not, he was here yesterday as large as life.信不信由你, 他昨天確確實實是在這兒。

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