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    【最喜歡的:與音樂相關的詞語】(也許是音樂本身的美賦予了這些詞唯美的意境以及優雅的讀音吧)Serenade: a song or tune played or sung at night by a lover outside the window of the woman he loves 小夜曲Nocturne: a short piece of music in a romantic style, especially for the piano 夜曲Cavatina: <意>(歌劇中的)抒情獨唱曲Hymn: a song of praise, especially one praising God and sung by Christians 讚美詩,聖歌 很喜歡Hymn of Life這首歌Melodious: pleasant to listen to, like music 悅耳的,優美動聽的Lilt: a regular rising and falling pattern in music, with a strong rhythm 輕快活潑的曲調(也可形容說話抑揚頓挫)【具有宏大意境的詞語】Transcendence: is the quality of being able to go beyond normal limits or boundaries or of existing outside themtranscendence of time and death 時間和死亡的超越Apotheosis: The highest or most perfect development of sth; a formal statement that a person has become a god 冊封為神,神化Splendour: grand and impressive beauty ("Love is a Many Splendored Thing")Epic: a long poem about the actions of great men and women or about a nation"s history 史詩【專業性、正式詞彙有時也會有一種朗朗上口的美感】(好像跟制服誘惑有點異曲同工哈哈)Hitherto: 迄今Momentum: 動力Prophesy: 預言Clandestine: 秘密的Cathedral: 主教座堂Perception: 感知Flashback: 閃回,倒敘【比較hardcore一點的】(本人的獨(qi)特(pa)黑暗系審美)Apocalypse: the end of the worldNevermore: (還記得愛倫坡的烏鴉嗎?/微笑)【常見詞彙】(平時生活中點點滴滴的美~~這些單詞都很熟啦就不寫意思了)SilenceSunshineSummerEternalRoseParadisePromiseFadeDriftTime-lapseSeasonObsessVanishPresenceMomentarilySwoon: 對(某人)神魂顛倒Criss-cross: 十字交叉的Aroma: 芳香Destiny---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------很喜歡這個問題,有空慢慢來補~~ 最唯美的詞當然是在詩歌、文學作品中最多啦,所以,看書去咯~~

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