  • 1 # uoods39722

    except 相當於but,表示“除了……以外(不包括在內)”,一般表示同類之間的關係,常與all,nobody,everything,everybody, nowhere等表示整體概念的詞連用。except 經常接名詞或代詞,但也可接副詞,介詞短語,例如:

    ① The office is open every day except Sundays. 除了星期日這家公司每天都營業。

    ② You can have any of the cakes except this one. 除了這塊蛋糕,你哪塊都能吃。

    ③ She saw nothing except snow. 除了雪她什麼也沒看見。(nothing except = nothing but = only)(2)except經常接名詞、代詞,也可接副詞,介詞短語,不帶to的不定式或從句等。例如:

    ④ She looked everywhere except here. 除了這裡,她到處看。

    ⑤ You may drop in at any time except at noon. 除了中午,你任何時候來都可以。

    ⑥ She doesn’t do anything except sit and watch TV. 除了坐著看電視外,她什麼也不做。

    ⑦ It was a good hotel except that it was rather noisy. 這家旅館還不錯,只可惜吵。

    ⑧ He usually goes to work by bicycle except when it rains. 除了下雨的時候,他通常騎腳踏車去上班。(3)except for也表示“除…以外”,指對某種基本情況進行具體的細節方面的修正。它同except的區別是:except for後接的詞同句子中的整體詞(主語)不是同類的,指從整體中除去一個細節,一個方面;而except後接的詞同整體詞(主語)一般是同類,指在同類的整體中除去一個部分。例如:⑨ I can answer all the questions except for the last one. 除了最後一題外,所有題目我都可以解答。⑩ Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes. 除了幾處語法錯誤外,你的作文寫得很好。

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