  • 1 # 人生何處不相逢9099

    關係代詞 where 主要用於修飾表示地點的名詞,同時它在定語從句中用作地點狀語。如:

    This is the village where he was born. 這就是他出生的村子。

    That’s the hotel where we were staying last summer. 這就是我們去年夏天住的旅館。

    Barbary was working in Aubury, where she went daily in a bus. 巴巴拉在奧伯裡工作,每天得坐公共汽車去上班。

    與 when 的用法一樣,注意不要一見到先行詞為地點名詞,就以為一定要用關係代詞where來引導定語從句,同時還要看它在定語從句中充當什麼成分——如果在定語從句中用作地點狀語,就用where;如果在定語從句中不是用作時間狀語,而是用作主語或賓語,那就不能用where,而要用that, which等。如:

    He works in a factory that [which] makes TV sets. 他在一家電視機廠工作。

    關係代詞that / which在定語從句中用作主語。


    We have reached a point where a change is needed. 我們到了必須改一改的地步。

    There are cases where the word “mighty” is used as an adverb. 在一些情況下,mighty一詞可用作副詞。

    He got into a situation where it is hard to decide what is right and wrong. 他陷入一種難以分辨是非的局面。

    I don’t want a job where I’m chained to a desk all day. 我不想找一份整天坐辦公桌前的工作。

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