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    Then and Now

    When I was a little boy,I used to be shy,but now,I can speak loudly in front of the audience.When I was a little boy,I used to cry,but now ,i learn to be tough.

    When I was a little boy,I used to think the world is unfair,but now,I catch sight of the shining in this world.

    When I was a little boy,I don’t know how to love,but now,Iknow how to cherish what I have.

    The gone days have gone,and the past has just past.Maybe the gone represents blood,toil,tears,andglory,pleasure,but what I care is that the gone days taught me how to live my own life,it help me to grow up.

    The gone days prove progress in my life,but now,I’m living in the present.Forget the gone days,pay my all attention to the present,and I will have a wonderful life.

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