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    1、go to the theater

    2、go to the movie/go to movies

    3、go to the cinema

    4、see a movie/see a film5、go to see a movie /go to see a film 6、watch a movie/watch movies擴充套件資料:例句:(1)Let"s go to the theater for a movie. 走, 我們去電影院看場電影。(2)He likes to go to the movie once a while. 他喜歡偶爾去看場電影。(3)Maybe we can see a movie some other time. 也許我們改天再一起去看電影吧。(4)By the way, would you like to see a film with me tomorrow?A new film is on at the CapitalCinema. 順便問一下,明天你願不願意和我一起去看電影? 首都電影院在上演一部新片。(5)They just want to watch a movie, as cheaply and conveniently as possible. 他們只想看看電影,越便宜、越方便越好。(6)Would you like to go to the cinema with us? 你願意和我們一起去看電影嗎?

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