  • 1 # Silver77

    四季的英文:the four seasons;春季:spring ;夏季:summer;秋季:autumn(英式)/fall(美式);冬季:winter。

    一年四季的表達:all the year round;throughout the year;at all seasons;four seasons of the year。

    一些網路短語:throughout the entire year 一年到頭、Throughout The Year Clouds 一年四季雲、cutting throughout the year 週年採伐、Rain throughout the year 全年有雨、last throughout the year 持續整整一年、open throughout the year 全年開放、throughout the academic year 整個學年、shooting throughout the year 四季出筍、Throughout The Year Delegations 整個一年內代表團。


    1、Every spring the ozone is chewed up, and the hole appears. 每年春天,臭氧遭到破壞,空洞就出現了。

    2、As autumn advances the days close in and the hours of light become fewer and fewer. 隨著秋天的推移,白晝越來越短,光照時間也越來越少。

    3、It was winter outdoors, but spring indoors. 院子裡是冬天,屋子裡是春天。

    4、The four seasons of 1 year are spring, summer, autumn and winter.一年的四季是春、夏、秋、冬。

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