  • 1 # 你永遠追不上的巨人

    My favorite shop These days . There are many kinds of shops in our city. They make our lives more convenient . Although there are so many kinds of shops . I love the bookstore best.I like reading .If I have free time . I always go to the booksrore . Sometimes ,I also go there with my friends.I have been studying four nine years . I think it is not enough . I want to learn more knowledge. It is necessary to read books. So I go to the bookstore . 我算是寫不下去了 怎麼是這個題目啊 有深度 卻也顯得太膚淺了 上海也就這個水平麼 都初三了啊 還寫這種作文呢啊 我也是初三 不過這種作文我似乎小學的時候就開始寫了 暈了

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 出門旅遊大約十天,拉布拉多狗狗該怎麼辦?