  • 1 # 使用者7353409071986

    Dear YangRan; I am willing to accompany you for a lifetime accompany you laugh,make,accompany you cry,accompany you crazy.I want to grow old together,until the teeth loss .when,also wearing a flower dress on the bed to gossip.Have you nice!I love you.Forever. If one day,you Heartbeat,love,what I will not say,will only make wishes for you; if one day,you hurt,tired,I still will not say what,will only lend you rely on the shoulder.-- to my dear close friend. Yours sincerely Yanyan 親愛的YangRan; 我願意陪你一輩子陪你笑,,陪你哭,陪你瘋了。我想要一起變老,直到牙齒掉落時,還穿著花裙子在床上閒聊。你漂亮!我永遠愛你。如果有一天,你心跳,愛,我不會說什麼,只會把祝福送給你;如果有一天,你傷了,累了,我還是不會說什麼,只會借給你依靠的肩膀。我親愛的好朋友。 你的摯友 Yanyan

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