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    這句話涉及到fix upon 的用法。 fix sth on/upon sth.全神貫注於;凝視… Her eyes were fixed on the gun. 她緊盯著那支槍。《牛津雙解p552》 fix on sth/sb 選定,確定。They fixed on Ashby as the new chairman. 他們決定讓阿什比做新的主席。《牛津雙解p552》 我們可以這樣分析。 The old woman stood still (with her eyes fixed upon the picture). 小括號是所謂的“with + n + 分詞”結構。它可以改寫為一句話:The old woman stood still when her eyes were fixed upon the picture. 如果用fixing on的話,那麼:The old woman stood still when her eyes were fixing upon the picture. 兩者的區別是;過去分詞fixed與her eyes 是被動關係,可以改寫成為被動句。 現在分詞fixing與her eyes 是主動關係,可以改寫成為主動句。 你好,溫暖不夠___ !滿意嗎?如果不滿意可以追問。滿意的話請採納。

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