  • 1 # 佳期如夢將至


    1. groggery2. public house3. taproom4. saloonRelative explainations:<bar> <pub (public house)> <taphouse> <sample room> <watering-hole> <wine bar> <cantina> <[England] public house> Examples:1. 那個喝醉了的人在酒吧裡丟失了錢袋。 The drunk man lost his pouch in the bar.

    2. 這家旅館裡有好幾個酒吧。 There are several bars in the hotel.

    3. 這個貧民窟裡的小酒吧是一個充滿罪惡的場所。 The bar in the slum is a den of iniquity.

    4. 酒吧裡傳來的喧鬧聲吵得他們無法入睡。 They were unable to sleep because of the din coming from the bar.

    5. 警察調查了嫌疑犯時常出沒的所有酒吧。 The police visited all the bars that the suspect frequented.

    6. 他徑直朝酒吧間走去. He headed straight for the bar.

    7. 我覺得酒吧裡的音樂太吵人了. I find the music in the bar very obtrusive.

    8. 警方監視著他常去的酒吧. The police watched the bars which he was known to resort.

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