  • 1 # sclslwj1

    Nowadays,most people own cars as their material life becomes higer and more and more colorful!Obviously,the busy traffic can not satisfy our need as before.At the same time,the pace of science development are becoming bigger,it seems that the way we facing is too narrow and we do not get ready for it.

    Why would this happen?From my standpoint,the main reason is that it is connected with our mental health.I believe if we broaden our mind,everything is OK or we can overcome it easy.Moreever,it is known to all that the phenomenon is the base of a country to make progresses!So we must think about it appropriately.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 你會在特別的日子吃平時因為熱量高而不敢吃的東西,增強儀式感嗎?