  • 1 # 創業小白1988

    你們要集中精力學習。翻譯是: You should be focused on study.重點片語:be focused on 集中在; [例句]The requirement of Project Approach to teaching material and teachers and problems to be focused on are discussed.本文探討了專案教學法對教材和教師提出的要求及在應用中需要注意的問題。Before that, I will do my job and be focused on the team. 但在那之前,我會專注於我的工作和我所率領的球隊。 Feedback should be focused on recognition for achievement, and opportunities for growth. 反饋應把重點放在成就的認可和成長的機會上。 For you to be successful at work, you must be focused on the current task. 要想在工作上成功,你必須把注意力集中在當前的工作上。 But with such a big market here, all our energy should be focused on China.但這兒有這麼大市場,我們所有的精力都該集中在中國。

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