  • 1 # 呼風喚雨asa

    Giving is Receiving Everybody wants to receive something from other people. A gift on birthday, a smile when you are nervous, or a hand when you are in trouble. These receivings make us feel warm and happy.But I think giving is also a very happy and enjoyable process. Giving is also receiving. Giving a gift to my mother, a gift, a flower, or just a sentence" mom, i love you", That will make her very happy , and i also have same feeling. That is a communication of emotion. Giving a hand to those people who need help is also very happy thing. A direction to who is lost, or a help to an old grandpa, or just a courage to those who are upset. This is also a process of receiving. So in the process of our life, we should learn to how to give. Actually, if you are a person who like to give and help, then you will be also a person who often receive something from others. You will receive some unexpected things, such as help, prize, flowers, love and so on. In fact, those receivings is the reward of givings.

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