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    介詞+名詞(指方位的,地點的,物品):at school,at home,on the desk

    介詞+動名詞:He is good at playing football.

    介詞+表示時間的詞:in the morning ; at noon

    介詞+人名:Except Mr.Wang,we went to see the film.

    介詞+名詞性短語:The composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.


    1.定語.如:The key to the door is missing.

    2.狀語.如:They are playing basketball on the playground.

    3.表語.如:Japan is to the east of China.

    4.賓語補足語.如:We consider education of great importance.

    5.主語補足語.如:These machines must be kept in good cindition.


    連詞是一種虛詞, 它不能獨立擔任句子成分而只起連線詞與詞,短語與短語以及句與句的作用。連詞主要可分為兩類:並列連詞和從屬連詞。並列連詞用來連線平行的詞、片語和分句。如:and, but, or, nor, so, therefore, yet, however, for, hence, as well as, both…and, not only…but also, either…or, neither…nor, (and)then等等。

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