  • 1 # 使用者7595661284440

    陳述句該一般疑問句,掌握這個要點:一提二變三問號.(針對有系動詞be、助動詞be,have / has,do,will,would,shall,should,had或情態動詞can,could,may,might,must,dare,need,ought時) 沒有be動詞,情態動詞時 前面直接加Do,第三人稱加Does就可以啦~標點符號記得換成問號哦~ 例如: The basketball is more intheresting than the football{改為一般疑問句} Is the basketball more interesting than the football? Hai Nan is hotter than Wu Han{改為一般疑問句} Is Hai Nan hotter than Wu Han? My parents are taller than my ucde{改為一般疑問句} --------句子疑似有問題 Are my parents taller than my uncle? Ostrches run fast than people{改為一般疑問句} ----句子有問題 Do ostriches run faster than people?

  • 2 # 使用者7595661284440

    陳述句該一般疑問句,掌握這個要點:一提二變三問號.(針對有系動詞be、助動詞be,have / has,do,will,would,shall,should,had或情態動詞can,could,may,might,must,dare,need,ought時) 沒有be動詞,情態動詞時 前面直接加Do,第三人稱加Does就可以啦~標點符號記得換成問號哦~ 例如: The basketball is more intheresting than the football{改為一般疑問句} Is the basketball more interesting than the football? Hai Nan is hotter than Wu Han{改為一般疑問句} Is Hai Nan hotter than Wu Han? My parents are taller than my ucde{改為一般疑問句} --------句子疑似有問題 Are my parents taller than my uncle? Ostrches run fast than people{改為一般疑問句} ----句子有問題 Do ostriches run faster than people?

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 古風人物手繪方法用什麼畫的畫法?什麼畫法都可以手繪古風人物嗎?