  • 1 # fksle43010

    more and more beautiful越來越漂亮;越來越美麗例句My daughter learns five sentences of lesson1 today.She can read English more and more beautiful day by day. I am really happy now. Moreover, It seems that she enjoys learning English now.我女兒今天學習了第一課的五個句子。她的英語一天比一天讀得漂亮。我確實非常高興。而且,她看上去好象開始喜歡學英語了。Now, it"s time for all the people in the society to protect the environment. It"s our duty. It needs each of us to make a contribution to improving the environment. We should make our environment more and more beautiful.現在,是人們保護環境的時候了,這是我們的義務,我們都要為改善環境做貢獻,我們應該努力讓我們的環境變得更好。

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