  • 1 # 卡比獸不來了


    1.Tomorrow, we are going to have a camping trip.  明天我們將有一個露營。  

    2.If your idea of a camping trip is a leaky tent and cold baked beans, forget it!  你要是認為野營旅行就是漏雨的帳篷加上冷冰冰的烤豆子,那可就全錯了!  

    3.Now when we arrive at their village for a research trip, they round up three camels to carry our camping equipment, food and water, and we all walk to the top of the plateau and set up camp.  現在我們每次為了研究而拜訪他們村落時,他們都會張羅好三隻駱駝,來馱運我們紮營所需的裝備、物和水,接著我們會徒步走上高原,然後紮營。  

    4.Mothers who had the training readily adopted the elaborative style during a staged camping activity, and their kids recalled more details when questioned about the trip later.  看過冊子和影片的媽媽們在一次有組織的宿營活動中很快採用了詳述式方法,她們的孩子後來在回答有關宿營的問題時也回憶起更多的細節。  

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 你的另一半有哪些習慣是你婚後才發現的?