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    whisperTo speak softly or under the breath. 低語。 例句: He is whispering to his neighbor. 他正向鄰座的人低語。 To talk softly and privately (often implying gossip, slander, plotting. or the like). 耳語(多指閒話、毀謗、陰謀等)。 例句: People are whispering about her love affair. 人們對她的戀愛事件耳語紛紛。 To make a hissing sound. 作颯颯聲。 例句: The wind whispered in the pines. 風在松林中颯颯作響。 v.t. To say under the breath; speak privately. 低語;私語;耳語。 例句: He whispered the news to me. 他低聲告訴我這個訊息。 n. A low, soft tone of voice. 低聲。 例句: She always talks in a whisper. 她總是以低的聲音說話。 Toneless speech. 耳語;悄悄話。 A private disclosure. 密談。 A hint or suggestion. 暗示或提示。 gossip英 ["gɒsɪp]美 ["ɡɑsɪp]n. 小道傳聞;隨筆;愛說長道短的人vi. 閒聊;傳播流言蜚語更多釋義>>[網路短語] Gossip 流言蜚語,八卦,八卦新聞BEAUTY GOSSIP 美容話題striking gossip 驚天八卦

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