  • 1 # 好看美劇

    考察團[詞典]delegation; exploratory mission; investigation group[例句]1、They tried to prejudge the commission"s findings.他們試圖預先判定考察團的發現結果。2、A delegation of Legislative Council to thailand, Ministry of foreign affairs and Ministry of tourism and sports. 立法會泰國考察團,並與泰國外交部和旅遊體育部官員會面。3、In the same year, as the United States visits, also sent a delegation to china. 在同一年,作為互訪,美國也派了一個考察團來到中國。4、Worked as an interpreter in Japan for a Chinese investigation group for three months. 為中國考察團在日本當過三個月的譯員。5、Some delegation members later said they would consider investment in Zhuhai.隨後,考察團部分成員表示將考慮在珠海投資置業。

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