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    Theme From "Titanic" Every night in my dreams 每一個寂靜夜晚的夢裡 I see you, I feel you 我都能看見你,觸控你 That is how I know you go on因此而確信你仍然在守候 穿越那久遠的時空距離 Far across the distance And spaces between us 你輕輕地回到我的身邊 You have come to show you go on告訴我,你仍然痴心如昨 Near, far, wherever you are 無論遠近亦或身處何方 I believe that the heart does go on 我從未懷疑過心的執著 Once more you open the door 當你再一次推開那扇門 And you"re here in my heart 清晰地佇立在我的心中 And my heart will go on and on 我心永恆,我心永恆 Love can touch us one time 愛曾經在剎那間被點燃 並且延續了一生的傳說 And last for a lifetime And never let go till we"re one 直到我們緊緊地融為一體 愛曾經是我心中的浪花 Love was when I loved you One true time I hold to 我握住了它湧起的瞬間 In my life we"ll always go on 我的生命,從此不再孤單 Near, far, wherever you are

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