  • 1 # 炸機影片

    1. hope 作“希望”解,主要用來表示主觀上的願望並對其實現抱有信心。可接不定式(短語)或 that 引導的從句,但不可接“賓語+不定式”,即賓語補足語的結構,也稱不定式的複合結構,例如:We are hoping to see the president who will come to China.I hope that you can tell us the truth.We hope you to meet us at the station. (錯誤)2. wish 作“但願、希望”解,表示某種未完成或不能完成的願望。可接不定式(短語)、雙賓語、賓語+不定式的複合結構以及 that 從句,例如:I wish you to go to Beijing with me next year.Everyone wish (that) he could pass the English exam.We wish you success/ (to be) happy.I wish (that) I were a millionaire.注意:表示實現願望的可能性不大或根本不可能時,從句用虛擬語氣。3. expect 作“期待、期望”解,側重於相信或認為有實現可能的願望。可接名詞、不定式(短語)、不定式的複合結構,例如:

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 00後男生,幾年後三千萬以上的光棍怎麼解決?